Esta cadelinha está para adoptar.
Foi encontrada por dois estrangeiros: Derek and Sheila Toney.
Eles pediram-nos ajuda para arranjar um lar para ela.
Vamos lá ver se conseguimos ajudar.
Ela agora está na SPAD em recuperação e daqui a uns dias precisa de sair de lá.
Vamos lá tentar arranjar um bom dono para a Sally.
Natália Vieira
"She might not win any prizes at Crufts but this small, 12-month-old female has many winning attributes. She is healthy, friendly, inquisitive, playful and all-round adorable. She likes people, cats and other dogs. She has not had a good start in life. In fact, so eager was she to escape from the owners who kept her tied up that she chewed right through a thick cord, in order to make her get-away."